Saturday, February 14, 2009

Yay Green!

So as you all can see, I'm done with sappy V-Day and it's onto to awesome St. Patrick's Day. Don't get me wrong, I like Valentine's day just fine. In fact, we had a great V-day this year. My bro-in-law's awesome girlfriend and I made a delicious dindin for our guys! It was fun. We dipped strawberries and made pasta with a homemade alfredo and I made Max and I lobster tails and Brittany made Art halibut. And for dessert we had chocolate mousse pie! Yum. But as much fun as is was, it's not at the top of my list as far as my favorite holidays go; so bring on the green! :)


Unknown said...

and it's my birthday which makes it even better!

Alicia said...

You are so sweet. Thanks, for the comments!! Yeah that church was in the avenues isn't beautiful.

Some wedding pictures and some Lake Cabin Trip pictures from this sumemr!