Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Crappy Genetics" make for unhappy guts...

Well I had my follow up appointment with Dr. Doxey, my GI Doc, and I'm still having right upper quadrant pain that he's not happy about. The ultrasound showed a very normal looking gallbladder but my doctor says that a dysfunctional gallbladder can look normal on an ultrasound. So I'm going in for a Hydascan (gallbladder scan) on Thursday to see how my gallbladder is functioning. So we'll know more then. My scope came up with mild chronic gastritis, mild esophogitis, and a mild hiatal hernia (my stomach herniates up into my diaphram; it's a genetic thing). My doctor says that some people just have crappy genetics which make for sensitive guts... I will definitely post more when I know more.


Lori said...

Love your blog! Hope you are feeling better soon. It is so fun working with you again.

Eric and Lindsay said...

I work with Doxey:)

Some wedding pictures and some Lake Cabin Trip pictures from this sumemr!